Cats like routine and don’t like change. Introducing anything new to them can take time. This applies to new food as much as a new home or a new fellow animal in the household.
We know that some food manufacturers add aromas and flavourings to their foods, which means that our cat food can smell quite different to what a cat is used to. And cats have a very strongly developed sense of smell. To help your cat get used to the 3coty® natural cat food, a slow transition can be necessary.
DAY 1-2
Alternatively, meal 1-2
If your cat was used to wet food before, we recommend continuing to put about 75% of their usual meal amount into the bowl, adding about 25% 3coty® food to the same bowl. We suggest you do this for the first day or two, or at least the first two meals and only moving on to the higher proportion once your cat has become familiar with and eaten the 3coty® food in its bowl.
25% 3coty®
75% current food
DAY 3-4
Alternatively, meal 3-4
Once your cat has become content with the new food, you can change the proportions to 50/50 for the next day or two or the next meal or two.
50% 3coty®
50% current food
DAY 5-6
Alternatively, meal 5-6
By day or meal 5, the cat should by now happy with its food smelling different, of the meat it wants to eat rather than any aromas or flavourings which were added. We still suggest about 25% of its old food remains available not least for the digestive system to get used to the change in what it is processing.
75% 3coty®
25% current food
Alternatively, meal 7
By the end of the first week, both the cat’s flavour receptors and digestive system should have acclimatised to 3coty® natural cat food and the whole bowl can be the meat-only diet from our tins.
100% 3coty®
We have alluded to the digestive system adapting as well as the cats flavour sensing and ask you not to worry too much if despite feeding the cat the number of meals, it uses its litter tray less frequently or differently. Especially changing from dry food makes quite a difference. Your cat is likely to be consuming more liquids as they have a low thirst drive and less filler-carbohydrate. If less filler is going into the cat, less filler will be coming out!
Read more: 3coty® cat food | Ingredients | Types of food